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"Why is this cartoon invisible?"

"Why is this cartoon invisible?"

"Why is this cartoon invisible?"

"Why is this cartoon invisible?"

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Q: What should the boy in the cartoon be saying to be correct?
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Where is roy the cartoon boy from?

Cartoon boy Roy is from Ballyfermot , Dublin .

How long should my erect be if i am 15?

Penis size varies a lot from boy to boy (and man to man) and whatever length YOUR erection is well that is the correct length for you. As the old saying goes "it's not how big it is but what you do with it that matter."

What was the editorial cartoon saying abaut Atticus?

it said that Atticus was a hardworking and focused man but it also depicted him as a boy rather than a man.

The boy who had gone out of home had not returned yet Is this sentence gramatically correct?

No, it is not correct. the word after "home" should be has So, it should be "The boy who had gone out of home has not returned yet"

Is the sentence The boy wanted none of the cake correct?

Yes, but it would make more sense saying 'The boy didn't want any of the carrot cake'.

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Is the cartoon character the hamburgaler in mcdonalds a boy or a girl?

The Hamburglar is a boy!

What cartoon character is an Indian boy?

Pow Wow the Indian Boy

Is the sentence correct - The boy could blew the candle?

No, the sentence is not correct. It should be "The boy could blow out the candle." The verb "blow" needs to be in the base form after "could."

What is Jimmy netron?

Jimmy Neutron is a cartoon character from the cartoon Jimmy Neutron boy genious.

Where can one learn how to draw a cartoon boy?

Learning how to draw a cartoon boy can be done in a number of ways, starting with general cartoon drawing courses, whether physical or online courses, they can both help a lot.

Which is correct there is a girl and a boy or there a girl and a boy?

the correct answer is theirs a boy and a girl in the car