An equilateral triangle based anti prism is simply a "normal" octahedron, as described by someone trying to make things sound more complicated than they are. It has 6 vertices.
Two are needed at each end of the prism
It is the measure of its edge(s) along the prism bases.
A rectangular prism (a cuboid) has 12 edges (also 6 faces and 8 vertices).A rectangular prism has 12 edges 12 12 edges A rectangular prism has eight (8) edges.It's a 688!
A rectangular prism.
The letters 'c' and 'z' make the 's' sound.:)
The "s" in "things" is a "z" sound.
The 's' in appease has the 'z' sound.
it`s a prism where it`s bases are a triangle
The sound that "s" makes in the word "sure" is the /Κ/ sound, which is like the "sh" sound in "shoe."
it is like wize.
it makes a z kind of sound
In the word "carcass," the letter "s" makes a /s/ sound, like in "snake."
The S has a Z sound in reside (as in resign, meaning quit).
No it dosent
In a word phase letter s gives sound of z(buzzing sound)