Other possible answers:
... the pattern you see though is that there is no combination of square numbers greater than 1 that adds up to 43.
43 is a prime number. So, 43 can only be produced as a product of 1 times 43.
21 and 22
They are: 29*43 = 1247
75 - 32
The square of 43 is 1,849.
Negative numbers have no real square roots. In terms of complex numbers, the square roots of 43 are +j6.5574 (rounded) and -j6.5574 (rounded)
43 x 43 x 43
43 45 47
Other possible answers: 1+1+16+25 1+1+9+16+16 ... the pattern you see though is that there is no combination of square numbers greater than 1 that adds up to 43.
6 & 7. 36 < 43 < 49 62 < 43 < 72
43 is a prime number. So, 43 can only be produced as a product of 1 times 43.
describe the pattern the square numbers make on the multiplication table
21 and 22
They are: 29*43 = 1247
75 - 32
The square of 43 is 1,849.