When you add two or more prime numbers you will only end up with a whole number and not a decimal number.
The basic idea is the same as when you estimate sums and differences of larger numbers (which may or may not be integers). You round the numbers to one or two decimal digits, then add them up.
This is true for adding and subtracting ALL numbers, not just decimal representations.
If there are any numbers which are integers and so do not have a decimal point, then append one at the extreme right. Then arrange all the numbers in a column, with their decimal points aligned. Ad up the numbers ignoring the decimal points entirely. In the answer insert a decimal point under the column of decimal points.
To find the number of decimal places in a product of decimal numbers, add up the total number of decimal places in each of the factors. For example, if you have 2.5 multiplied by 4.75, there are two decimal places in 2.5 and two decimal places in 4.75, so the product will have a total of four decimal places.
Line up the decimal numbers like this, 100.5 + 9.0 then add normally and put in the decimal right below the decimal obove.^
When you add two or more prime numbers you will only end up with a whole number and not a decimal number.
explain why it is important to line up decimal numbers by their place value when you add or subtract them
The basic idea is the same as when you estimate sums and differences of larger numbers (which may or may not be integers). You round the numbers to one or two decimal digits, then add them up.
When the fractional parts, if any, of the two decimal numbers sum to 1.
no, they add to 10.10 To add decimal numbers you add like any other problem and bring down the decimal point
This is true for adding and subtracting ALL numbers, not just decimal representations.
137 and 11 are two prime numbers that add up to 148.
If there are any numbers which are integers and so do not have a decimal point, then append one at the extreme right. Then arrange all the numbers in a column, with their decimal points aligned. Ad up the numbers ignoring the decimal points entirely. In the answer insert a decimal point under the column of decimal points.
It is easier to add up numbers. It may also be easier to spot errors where the decimal point is misplaced.
You line up the numbers 55.85+555.95=n Then you add normal and you bring the decimal straight down 55 555.95 55.85 611.80