That all depends upon what are the given decimals. For example, 0.01 is equivalent to .01. You can leave the zero off before the decimal point, and it is still equivalent. However, 0.01 is not equivalent to 0.010. The extra zero to the right of the 1 indicates greater precision. For example, 0.01 could be 0.014 or 0.008. Either one rounds to 0.01. However, neither one rounds to 0.010.
what are the two equivalents given to this decimal 0.68?
They are: 5.6 and 5.600
two decimals that are equivalent to 0.700 = 0.7, 0.70
two decimals are equivalent to 7.5 = 7.50; 7.500
two decimals equivalent to 2.5 = 2.50, 2.500
write two decimals that are equivalent to the given decimal 2.200
0.9 is equivalent to 0.90 or 0.900.
write two decimals that are equivalent to the given decimal 5.300
what are the two equivalents given to this decimal 0.68?
4.9 and 4.900
0.6, 0.600
They are: 5.6 and 5.600
what are two other decimals equivalent to 2.2 ?
They are simply 2.2 and 2.20
two decimals equivalent to 0.5 = 0.50. 0.500
two decimals that are equivalent to 0.9 = 0.90; 0.900
two decimals equivalent of 0.68 = 0.680, 0.6800