1 is the triangle
Two different types of shapes would be a circle and a square. they differ from each other in the fact that a circle's shape is perpetual as a square has four equal sides and four corners.
Four each.
An hexagon has 6 sides
None. But a hexagon has six of each.
1 is the triangle
Two different types of shapes would be a circle and a square. they differ from each other in the fact that a circle's shape is perpetual as a square has four equal sides and four corners.
4 of each.
Four each.
An hexagon has 6 sides
A hexagon has 6 of each.
A square will have 4 sides that are all the same length, and 4 angles that are 90 degrees each. Other shapes will have 4 sides, but they may be of different lengths. Other shapes will have 4 equal sides, but not 4 angles of 90 degrees.
A rectangle has four of each.
None. But a hexagon has six of each.
Both are quadrilaterals. A rectangle has 4 right angles, a rhombus has 2 pairs of equal angles (at opposite corners) A rhombus has 4 equal sides, a rectangle has 2 pairs of equal sides. The opposite sides in both shapes are parallel to each other.
There is only the rectangle, with a square as a special case.
Yes the 4 corners of a rectangle are perpendicular to each other and its opposite sides are parallel to each other.