No two prime numbers can add to 119.
As a product of its prime factors: 2311 = 66
It is composite because it has more than two factors
The first step to finding the factors of a number is to break the number down into its prime factors. In this case, 66 can be broken down as follows: 66 = 2x3x11 To find the other factors (apart from one) you have to multiply any combination of these prime factors together. That gives us the factors of 66 as: 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 22, 33, 66.
66 is a composite number because it has more than two factors
The number is 55+66 = 121
No two prime numbers can add to 119.
3 x 63 = 189 3 + 63 = 66
The factors of 42 are 1,2,3,6,7,14,21,42. The factors of 66 are 1,2,3,6,11,22,33,66
As a product of its prime factors: 2311 = 66
The prime factors of 66 are: 2 3 11
The product of the prime factors is 66. See:2 * 3 * 11 = 66