You add two fractions with a different denominator by multiplying the denominators by a number that will make them equal. Be sure to multiply the numerator by that number too.
It is not clear whether you want to add the two numbers, multiply them, or what. Moreover, in each case there are an infinite number of possibilities.
You add two fractions with a different denominator by multiplying the denominators by a number that will make them equal. Be sure to multiply the numerator by that number too.
It is not clear whether you want to add the two numbers, multiply them, or what. Moreover, in each case there are an infinite number of possibilities.
5 and -3
Multiply the three-digit number by the one's digit, or last digit, of the two-digit number. That is your first part. Now multiply by the second-to-last digit, or ten's digit, and multiply the result by 10. That is your second part. Add the two parts and that is your answer.