The basic metric unit of measure for length is the meter (m).
A metre.
from the base to the tip.
No. A centimeter is a measure of length. Any unit of measure that has a meter in it is a measure of length. For example, millimeters, meters, kilometers are all units of measure for length.
A metres, for an approximate measure, a centimetre for a more accurate measure.
That depends what you want to measure - its length, its mass, its color, etc.
You can't just convert any unit into any other unit. The units must be compatible - measure the same type of thing. For example, you can convert a unit of length to another unit of length, or a unit of time to another unit of time. An atmosphere is a measure of pressure, a foot is a measure of length, so you can't convert it.
The recommended unit is kilometer (derived from the SI unit meter).
The length is called the astronomical unit.
a cm
Meter or Centimeter
impossible to answer. Acre is an area measure unit while feet is a length measure unit.