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They have different names.

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Lvl 1
3y ago

They have different names.

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Q: What ways are an equilateral and a rhombus the same and how are they different?
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What are some ways a rhombus and trapezoid is alike and not alike?

They are both quadrilaterals. All the sides of a rhombus are of the same length. This is not true of a trapezium.

How do you name a rhombus in four different ways?

quadrilateral, polygon, diamond, and square

What are three ways a rhombus and parellograms are the same?

They are both 4 sided quadrilaterals They both have 2 diagonals The both have 2 equal acute and 2 equal obtuse interior angles that add up to 360 degrees

How do you classify triangles in two different ways?

Triangles are classed as: scalene, right angle, obtuse, isosceles and equilateral

What shape is rhombus?

A rhombus is a equalateral quadrilateral. It is a leaning square or a side ways diamond.

How is a kite different from a rhombus?

A kite is different from a rhombus in a few ways: * Kites have two pairs of adjacent legs that are congruent, and each pair is a separate length; a rhombus has four congruent sides. * A kite and rhombus both have perpendicular diagonals, but in a kite, only the diagonal between the pairs of sides (the diagonal between two sides of different length) is bisected; the other is not. Also, the diagonals bisect all of the angles of a rhombus; only the angles in the middle of the pairs of sides (angles with two legs of equal length) are bisected. * Only the angles between the pairs of sides are congruent in a kite; a rhombus has 2 pairs of congruent opposite angles. You can also think of a rhombus as a combination between a kite and a parallelogram, the same way you can think of a square as a combination of a rectangle and a rhombus. Hope this helps!

What are three different ways a triangle can be classified?

There are two types of triangle: 1. Scalene triangle - no sides have the same length 2. Isosceles triangle - at least two sides have the same length a. Equilateral triangle - an isosceles triangle with 3 sides the same length.

Name a triangle in two different ways who's all sides are equal?

equilateral, another i don't knowAdditional information:Equilateral and equiangular

Are adjacent sides of a rhombus always congruent?

Yes, it is one of the ways to prove a figure is a rhombus. If adjacent sides are congruent, then the figure is a rhombus.

How many ways can the word rhombus be arranged?


What are the different ways to classify triangles?

isosceles -2 equal sides, 1 other length side, 2 equal angles, 1 other angle scalene -all angles and sides different equilateral -all sides and angles same (angles always 60degrees)

How are humans the same but different in many ways?

because boys are different from girl in ways of the body