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In normal conditions (in Earth's atmosphere, at the same elevation) a ton of apples weighs more than a ton of feathers, because the density of an apple is greater than density of a feather (feathers are mostly hollow inside). Therefore, the Earth's atmosphere has a greater "floating" effect on the feathers, making them weigh less than apples.

People who give "both weigh the same" answer ignore the fact that a ton (1000 kg) is the measure of mass, not weight. Let me ask: what weighs more, a ton of rocks or a ton of helium-filled balloons? Guess! ;)

Consider also that if you weigh the two commodities in a vacuum then there is no buoyancy factor.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

well...they both weigh the same if there is a ton of feathers and a ton of concrete:)

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Luis Nieves Monzon

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

They both weigh the same, a ton. The difference lies in their density and volume: a ton of feathers would take up much more space than a ton of concrete.

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βˆ™ 4y ago

They are equal

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Q: What weights more ton of feathers or a ton of concrete?
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What weighs more a ton of feathers or gold?

A ton of gold weighs more than a ton of feathers. While they both weigh the same in terms of tons, gold is a denser material than feathers, so a ton of gold will have more mass and be heavier than a ton of feathers.

Whats heavier a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

A ton of x is neither heavier nor lighter than a ton of y - regardless of how heavy the individual units of x or y. Obviously, you would need a lot more feathers than bricks but that's another question entirely.

What weights more a ton or 2000 kilograms?

2000kg is more than one ton.

Which weighs more a ton of steel or a ton of feathers?

They both weigh the same, as a ton is a unit of weight and is the same amount regardless of what substance it applies to.

Which is heavier a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

A ton is a ton, whether bricks, feathers or shoes. So they weigh the same. However in reality, the space taken up by the feathers would also include a large amount of air (which has a lot of mass and therefore weight if you get enough of it), where bricks would be stacked together with little air between. The feathers would then weigh more when actually measured, but only because you aren't measuring just the feathers. ANS2: The ton is a mass unit--it measures how much "stuff" you have. Heaviness, how hard gravity pulls a mass to another object, is measured by weight units. The avoirdupois system uses the pound as a unit of mass. There are 2000 pounds in an avoirdupois ton. Weight is measured in slugs. Since a ton of feathers has the same mass as a ton of bricks we are left to determine which has a greater attraction to the earth (weight). Two factors determine this measurement: "How far is the center of gravity from the center of the earth?" and "Are there any countering forces?" In a pile of bricks, the center of gravity is slightly closer to the center of the earth than would be the center of gravity of a pile of feathers. The gravitational attraction on the bricks would be greater than on the feathers. Feathers occupy more space than bricks of the same mass and, therefore displace more air. Air would provide a buoyant force countering the force towards the center of the earth. For these two reasons, a ton of bricks weighs slightly more than a ton of feathers.

Related questions

What weights more 1 ton of feathers or 1 ton of heavy steel?

Neither, they both weigh 1 ton.

Is dry weight equal to liquid weight?

Yes. Which weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of gold. Answer, they both weigh a ton.

How much area does a ton cover?

It would depend on what item the ton is comprised of. The area of a ton of feathers would be greater than the area of a ton of concrete. Answer 2 It would also very much depend on how thick the material was. A ton of feathers might take up less room than a ton of concrete if the feathers were a mile high and the concrete was an inch thick.

Is a ton of feathers more dense than a ton of iron?

No, a ton of feathers and a ton of iron have the same weight because they both weigh a ton. However, the volume occupied by the ton of feathers would be significantly larger than the ton of iron due to the lower density of feathers.

What weighs more a ton of feathers or gold?

A ton of gold weighs more than a ton of feathers. While they both weigh the same in terms of tons, gold is a denser material than feathers, so a ton of gold will have more mass and be heavier than a ton of feathers.

What weights more a ton of steel or ton of cotton?

they are both the same because its a ton

If you have a ton of feathers and a ton of bricks which weighs more?

Neither, they both weigh a ton.

Which weight more a ton of feathers ir a ton of brick?

They both weigh the same, a ton! ;-)

What weight is more a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks?

Both weigh the same amount, a ton.

What weighs more a ton of feathers or 1000 kilograms of gold?

They weigh the same, a ton is equivelant to 1000 Kilograms, if it helps you will need a lot more of feathers than Gold to make a ton

What weight more a ton apples or ton of feathers?

If they both weigh a ton - then they have the sameweight.

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They both weigh one tonne...