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Emile Kessler

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it is 1903

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Q: What year in the 19th century has digits that add up to 23?
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What year in the 21st century has digits that add up to 23?


What century is the year of 1885?

It's the 19th century. Always look at the two number in the year, and add one. That will give you this expression.

What year in 20th century has digits that add up to 23?


How do you find out which century a year is in?

If the last two digits are not both zeroes, then you cover up the last two numbers then to the remaining number you add one. Example the year 1679 would be in the 17th century. If they are both zeroes, then just cover up the last two digits and use the digits you see. Example the year 1600 would be in the 16th century.

How do you work out a century?

Cover the last 2 digits and add 1. So 2010, add 1 to 20 and it tells you that it is the 21st century. 1566, add 1 to 15 and it is the 16th century. If there are less than 2 digits then it will be the 1st century.

What century was the year 1978?

The 20th century. We add 1 to the first two digits to get the century. This is since the first century is classed as the years 0 to 999, the 2nd century the years 1000 to 1999 etc.

What year in the 20th century digits add up to 23?


What century was 1750 in?

The 18th century. Just add one to the first two digits of the year in question. (1750--> 17 +1=18) This century, for instance is the 21st (2010-->20+1=21)-Akilae

What century was the 1812 war?

19th you can work it out by looking at the first 2 numbers of1812 so that is 18 then add 1so it is the 19th centuary

Which century was 1858 in?

19th century. Take the first two numbers and add one. (Only works for 4-digit numbers.

What century is 2005 A.D.?

The 21st century. Think of it this way. The 1st century is years 1-100. So that's 1. For the rest, simply take the first two digits in the year, in this case 20, and add one. So 20 + 1 = 21, the 21st century.

What is the next year in which all its digits add up to a prime number?

2014 ( The sum of the digits = 7, a prime number )