As of 2010 the date would be 491 BC, because there is no year zero in the AD/BC system. (In fact the Buddha was not born 2,500 years ago, but in about 563 BC.)
As of the year 2017, it was 1900 117 years ago.
1991 was 19 years ago.
60000 years ago = 60000-2013 BC = 57987 BC
40 years ago, it was 1974. All you have to do is subtract 2014 and 40 to get the answer.
The current year is 2011 AD, so the year 2000 years ago was 11 AD. 2500 years ago is 2011 - 2500 = -489, so that would be 489 BC.
He was born 2500 years the math
about 2500 years ago
roughly 2500 years ago
200 -(-500) = 2500, but since there is no year 0 then it is 2499 years ago
roughly 2500 years
2500 years ago
As of 2010 the date would be 491 BC, because there is no year zero in the AD/BC system. (In fact the Buddha was not born 2,500 years ago, but in about 563 BC.)
Where;Bihar and Uttar Pradesh in India When; 2500 years ago Buddha was born in Lumbini in Nepal.
2500 years ago?
Buddhism originated about 2500 years ago.