57 years old
57 years old
On my birthday in 1997, I would turn 57.
If your birthday has not occurred yet this year, you would be regarded as 56. If your birthday has passed, or on the day of your birthday when it comes, your age is 57.
You would have been born in 1960
no hyphens - 57 years old is what you are.
well, I would have to say approximately 57 because 1770 (year died) minus 1723 (year born) equals 57
Yes at 13 your body is going through changes and you may fall in love with a 57 year old.
Percentage increase = 100*(new value-old value)/old value = 100*(72-57)/57 = 100*15/57 = 1500/57 = 26.3 %
Is 117 over 70 average for 57 year old female
You would say "Il a 57 ans" in French, which directly translates to "He is 57 years old."
The average weight for a 12 year old girl is 120 pounds.
57 years old
57 years old