5/3 on a time signature does not exist. you cannot have an odd number at the bottom of a time signature there is no such note value of 3
there is no table that tells time
No. The slope on a speed vs time graph tells the acceleration.
Simple, Compound, and Complex. These are the three types of Time Signatures
the time between one reading bieng taken and the next reading being taken
Yes! It tells you the rhythm in each bar of notes. The number on bottom tells you the beat of the note(quarter note, whole note etc.) The number on top tells you how many of the beats are in a bar.
The top number tells you how many beats are in the measure, the bottom number tells you what kind of note gets equals one beat. 4/4 means there are four beats in the measure and the 1/4 note equals one beat. a 12/8 signature means there are 12 beats in the measure and the 1/8th note gets the beat. THere are a good variety of time signatures, but they pretty much follow this rule.
Here is a website picture of the Circle of fifths or Circle of key signatures: http://www.pianoclues.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/circle-keysigs.gif
Time signatures tell musicians how to interpret the note values on the page. The bottom number tells you what notes get the beat (ex. 4=quarter note, 8=eighth note); the top number tells you how many of that type of note is in a measure (ex. 4/4= quarter notes get the beat, there are 4 in a measure).
There are no certain amount of time signatures, but the most common time signature is 4/4. There are other common time signatures such as 3/4, 2/2, 6/8, and 2/4, but basically any number can be used as the top number. There are songs in 5/4, 7/4, 11/4, 15/8 etc....
The exponent.
The number of signatures needed to pass a petition will depend on what type of petition it is and how it was set up at the beginning. There is no specific number as to how many signatures are needed for a petition to pass.
An official fan phone number for Late Nite Reading is not known at this time.
5/3 on a time signature does not exist. you cannot have an odd number at the bottom of a time signature there is no such note value of 3
The top number indicates the number of beats per measure.
2/4 3/4 4/4 and 3/8 are the simple time signatures.
There are common time signatures, or simple time, such as 4/4 time or any number able to be dividable by 2 or 4. Compound time signatures such as 3/4 time or any number dividable by 3, 6, 9, or 12. Then you get to complex time signatures, or asymmetrical, in which uses prime numbers on the top numeral of a time signature such as 5, 7, 11, 14, etc.