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In France in the 18th century, this was one of the major factors which led to the French Revolution.

AFTER THE COLLAPSE of the Roman Empire, the outstanding feature of Europe was the feudal system. Thenceforward until the late Middle Ages, land paid virtually all the costs of government in England, and indeed throughout most of Europe. The following account focuses primarily on England as a particular case of a system that obtained quite generally, although, of course, details varied from country to country and also within countries. The land in use was overwhelmingly agricultural. Europe took refuge in a feudal system in the face of increasing barbarian invasion. In England, following the Norman Conquest in the eleventh century, the continental feudal system was super-imposed on the existing Saxon tenure of land, which had already developed some of its characteristics.

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Q: Where was feudalism strongest?
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Why did feudalism devlop?

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Was the Feudalism started in Northern Europe but was strongest in England?

Strongest from around 900-1200 AD, Feudalism began in 700 AD. Its beginnings were in Northern Europe, but it reached its greatest popularity in England where it remained until a monetary based system replaced a land based one. The feudal pyramid was a very important part of British society.

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what is feudalism

Who created feudalism?

The Franks created feudalism

A political and military system based on the holding of land?

Feudalism Every sovereign state

What part of speech is feudalism?

Feudalism is a noun.

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The germanic tribe, the Slavs, introduced Feudalism.

Where did feudalism emerge?

Feudalism first emerged among the franks

Is feudalism still big today?

No it is not. Feudalism was a medieval system.

'What was the social structure in the 1300s - medieval Europe'?

it was based on feudalism... there is a feudalism pyramid if you go on google images and type in feudalism pyramid

Where in Europe did feudalism take place?

If we take the widest view of the definition of feudalism, then we could say it was pretty much general for Western Europe for most of the Middle Ages after the seventh century or so. If we take the narrow view, that feudalism was a hierarchical system designed to provide quick action in large countries where a weak central government could not respond quickly, then feudalism existed in France and the Holy Roman Empire after the division of the Carolingian Empire, and in England briefly after the Norman Conquest.