Here are the decimals in order from least to greatest: 8.037, 8.07, 8.307, 8.9
Here are the decimals from least to greatest : 2.01, 2.1, 2.11, 12.1
These number from least to greatest is 33.5,6.05,1,5,6 and 545. The decimals are the smallest numbers.
u should not do this at all
When some decimals are given to 2 places and some to 3, it can be useful to put all decimals to the same number of places. This can be done simply by adding zeros to the end of the shorter decimals. In this case 0.67 becomes 0.670. Thus the question asks us to order 0.670, 0.676 and 0.677 from least to greatest. The order is fairly clearly 0.670, 0.676, 0.677
Well you first have to look at the decimals and see which one is the least then get to the greatest
They are: 25.1, 23.46 and 23.17
Here are the decimals in order from least to greatest: 8.037, 8.07, 8.307, 8.9
Convert them to decimals.
Usually smallest to largest, least to greatest.
Convert them to decimals and order them least to greatest.
Here are the decimals from least to greatest : 2.01, 2.1, 2.11, 12.1
5.20, 5.18, 5.10
The least to greatest order is 0.34 , 0.4, 0.43 . === === You welcome!!!
yeah so good so far
To order the decimals from greatest to least, you first compare the digits in the ones place. The largest number in the ones place is 13. Next, compare the tenths place, and then the hundredths place if needed. In this case, the order from greatest to least is 13.351, 13.353, 12.35.