What are compatible fractions? Round the whole number to the closest compatible number to the denominator. Compatible numbers are numbers that are close in value to the real number that would make it easier to find an estimate calculation. compatible numbers are numbers that are a like or can compared like fact families! Compatible numbers When estimating, compatible numbers are numbers that are close in value to the actual numbers, and which make it easy to do mental arithmetic. In mathematics, compatible numbers are the numbers that are easy to add, subtract, multiply, or divide mentally. Compatible numbers are close in value to the actual numbers that make estimating the answer and computing problems easier. We can round the numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand or ten thousand to make them compatible numbers. For instance, if we have to add 493 and 549, we can make the numbers compatible by rounding them up to the nearest tens or hundreds. 490 and 550 (rounded to the nearest tens) or 500 and 500 (rounded to the nearest hundreds) are much easier to solve. So, we know the answer is about 1040 or 1000. Let us see some examples to understand how we can perform subtraction, multiplication and division using compatible numbers. Subtraction: Find the difference between 376.5 and 612.2 Here, we cannot find the difference between 376.5 and 612.2 easily as they are not compatible. So, we make the numbers compatible by rounding both the numbers to the nearest tens. Multiplication: Find the product of 24.3 and 18.7. It is difficult to find the product of 24.3 and 18.7 mentally and quickly. So, we use compatible numbers and find the which is closer to the actual answer. Division: Divide 856 by 33. To find the answer to 856 Γ· 33, will take us time as we need to divide to get the answer. However, if we make the numbers compatible, we can mentally find an answer close to the actual answer as shown. Fun Facts Compatible numbers help in simplifying the calculation of an estimate only.
In this question you do not give me the sum of which you want it divided by. With this missing information, you or I would anyway, divide it by its "factors (divisible figures). Divide 34 by what you can 34 divide it by the numbers it is divisible by like 2 i.e., 2 times 17 is 34.
The average. Add all the numbers together and divide that by how many numbers there are. Example: 6,2,3,4,5. Added together equals 20. Divided by all of the numbers (5) equals 4. Your answer would be 4.
say if there were the following numbers: 1,2,2,2,3,4,5 so you would add them all together which is 19 and then divide 19 by how many numbers there are which is 19 divided by 7= whatever
Compatible numbers are numbers that are close in value to the actual numbers and easy to add, subtract, multiply, or divide mentally.So a logical compatible number for 77 would be 80.
If they can split the atom, they can divide anything. If you want to know what cannot be divided equally, that would be odd numbers and birthday cake.
What are compatible fractions? Round the whole number to the closest compatible number to the denominator. Compatible numbers are numbers that are close in value to the real number that would make it easier to find an estimate calculation. compatible numbers are numbers that are a like or can compared like fact families! Compatible numbers When estimating, compatible numbers are numbers that are close in value to the actual numbers, and which make it easy to do mental arithmetic. In mathematics, compatible numbers are the numbers that are easy to add, subtract, multiply, or divide mentally. Compatible numbers are close in value to the actual numbers that make estimating the answer and computing problems easier. We can round the numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand or ten thousand to make them compatible numbers. For instance, if we have to add 493 and 549, we can make the numbers compatible by rounding them up to the nearest tens or hundreds. 490 and 550 (rounded to the nearest tens) or 500 and 500 (rounded to the nearest hundreds) are much easier to solve. So, we know the answer is about 1040 or 1000. Let us see some examples to understand how we can perform subtraction, multiplication and division using compatible numbers. Subtraction: Find the difference between 376.5 and 612.2 Here, we cannot find the difference between 376.5 and 612.2 easily as they are not compatible. So, we make the numbers compatible by rounding both the numbers to the nearest tens. Multiplication: Find the product of 24.3 and 18.7. It is difficult to find the product of 24.3 and 18.7 mentally and quickly. So, we use compatible numbers and find the which is closer to the actual answer. Division: Divide 856 by 33. To find the answer to 856 Γ· 33, will take us time as we need to divide to get the answer. However, if we make the numbers compatible, we can mentally find an answer close to the actual answer as shown. Fun Facts Compatible numbers help in simplifying the calculation of an estimate only.
To divide 3mL by 0.7cm, you would need to convert one of the numbers. 3mL is equal to 1.4422cm.
If they can split the atom, they can pretty much divide anything. If you're wondering what cannot be divided in half evenly, that would be odd numbers.
The mean is the average. You simply add all the numbers and divide by how many numbers there are. So the mean of 16 numbers would be the sum of all 16 numbers, divided by 16.
The number 6 is evenly divisible by the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 6. 6 divided by 1 = 6 6 divided by 2 = 3 6 divided by 3 = 2 6 divided by 6 = 1 All other numbers would not divide evenly.
In this question you do not give me the sum of which you want it divided by. With this missing information, you or I would anyway, divide it by its "factors (divisible figures). Divide 34 by what you can 34 divide it by the numbers it is divisible by like 2 i.e., 2 times 17 is 34.