ordered pair
An ordered pair can contain any valid numbers - integers, fractions, decimals, or even complex numbers.
The use of integers pre-dates culture. Early hominids would almost certainly have used positive integers to determine how their "gang" compared with the opposition to determine whether it made more sense to fight or hide. Or to communicate how many days' march the good hunting ground was.
No. They would then be mixed numbers, not integers.
A prism cannot be used to name an ordered pair.
ordered pair
An ordered pair can contain any valid numbers - integers, fractions, decimals, or even complex numbers.
on a graph that goes up to 4 only, In what quadrant is (25, -18)?
The use of integers pre-dates culture. Early hominids would almost certainly have used positive integers to determine how their "gang" compared with the opposition to determine whether it made more sense to fight or hide. Or to communicate how many days' march the good hunting ground was.
No. They would then be mixed numbers, not integers.
Ordered Variable is one where you can put the data into order, bt not give it an actual number. The height of a person compared to other's height is an ordered variable.
There are 6 such triples.
A prism cannot be used to name an ordered pair.
Most people refer to the positive integers as the natural numbers. That would exclude the negative integers and zero.
Consecutive odd integers would be 5 and 7.
They are the negative integers.
Negative integers. Some would also include 0.