6 knots is 6.90468 mph
6 km/h is equivalent to approximately 3.73 mph.
6 mph is equivalent to approximately 5.216 knots.
is 55 mph the same as 88 km per hr.
1,200 meters in 6 minutes 24 seconds converts to 7 mph
if traveling the same way12 - 8 = 44 * 6 = 24 milesif different12 + 8 = 2020 * 6 = 120 miles
Mach 6 is about 4,449.3 mph
6 knots is 6.90468 mph
6 km/h is equivalent to approximately 3.73 mph.
24 miles apart
About 6 mph.
6 mph is equivalent to approximately 5.216 knots.
Approximately 71.5. 115 x .6 = 69 mph mph x .6= kph jr
6 mph = 9.6561 km/h
6 MPH.
6 knots is approximately 6.9 mph.
55/6 = 9.16666...mph/s