The locus of all points of zero latitude ... sometimes also known as the "Equator" ... is
the longest parallel of constant latitude. It's length is the equatorial circumference of
the earth ... roughly 24,900 miles (40,073 km) .
All lines of longitude are equal. The longest line of latitude is the Equator.
The equator (zero latitude) is the only one.
The line of zero latitude, also known as the "equator", is.It's roughly 24,800 miles long.
Time is considered a line.
It is a parallel of latitude. Why? Because that is what it is!
The Equator is the longest line of latitude and it is at 0 degrees latitude.
The Equator is the longest circle of latitude
The longest line of latitude is the equator (0°).
The longest line of latitude is the equator, which divides the world into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.
All lines of longitude are equal. The longest line of latitude is the Equator.
The equator is the longest line of latitude because it is an imaginary line that runs around the Earth's center, dividing the Earth into the northern and southern hemispheres. It is considered the longest because it is situated at the widest part of the Earth, equidistant from both poles.
Equator is the longest latitude.
The Equator is the line of latitude located at 0 degrees that represents a line on the Earth's surface equidistant from the North Pole and South Pole. Earth is widest at the equator which is its circumference so this is the longest line of latitude with a length of 40,075.16 km (24,901.55 mi).
The equator is the longest line of latitude as it is located at the circumference of Earth, and the circumference of Earth is always the longest compared to anywhere as the theory is the same of the circumference of a sphere.
The longest line of longitude is the prime meridian, which runs from the North Pole to the South Pole. It has a length of 20,014 km (12,430 miles).
a latitude line is a line going from east to west. Just like the equator. the equator is a latitude line measuring at ) degrees latitude.
No, the international date line is a line of longitude, not latitude.