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The Orcinus orca holds the record as the strongest mammal bite force although it is not 100% clear, and it is based on happening incidents at f.e. Sea World. But the actual known and *recorded* bite force is one of the Crocodilus porosus, also known as the saltwater crocodile. The strongest crocodile bite force is of TIL's with a bite force of 5,000 pounds per square inch (psi). The *thought* and *not clear* orca bite force is 13,000 pounds per square inch (psi).

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notmybread •_

Lvl 2
3y ago
jaw, carnivore, crocodile, terrestrial animal
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9mo ago

The mammal with the strongest recorded bite force is the saltwater crocodile.

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11y ago

The Jaguar has the strongest bite force,

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Q: Which mammal has the strongest bite force?
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What is the strongest bite in the mammal kingdom?

The saltwater crocodile has the strongest bite force in the animal kingdom, with a bite force of over 3700 pounds per square inch (psi). This makes it significantly stronger than any mammal, including powerful biters like lions and tigers.

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aprox. 400-500 pounds. The English Mastiff holds the record of the strongest bite force (500 pounds) for dogs. They measure bite force from the size of their head and English Mastiffs and Saint Bernards have just about the same size head, therefore they basically have the same bite force.

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No. The Great White Shark is the animal with the strongest bite force in the world. Even alligators and crocodiles have a more powerful bite force than a bear.

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An analysis of mammalian bite force relative to the body size shows that the Tasmanian Devil has the strongest bite of any living mammal (over 5,100 psi (35,000 kPa)).[8] [8] Wroe, S, McHenry, C, and Thomason, J. 2005. Bite club: comparative bite force in big biting mammals and the prediction of predatory behaviour in fossil taxa. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences272:619-625 PMID 15817436

What big cat has the strongest bite force?

Its not a Lion it's actually a jaguar

What animal had the strongest bite force on earth?

i improved this but i don't know if the marsupial tiger is one whoever put this here am not honestly sure if it is one of the strongest prehistoric animals with the strongest bite force am not certain if its The marsupial tiger am sure its one thee two the megalodon a prehistoric shark or/and the Liopleurodon a prehistoric marine reptitle. Their is also a predator x (33,000 lbf) The dunkleosteus a prehistoric fish has weaker bite force than the three listed above. our modern day crocidilies have similar bite force to the dunkleosteus. our modern day great white sharks have (4,100 lbf) the t. rex has (7,000 lbf)

Who has the strongest bite in the animal kingdom?

The great white shark has the strongest bite in the world. It also turns out that its bite is not only the strongest bite now, but the strongest there has ever been :)

What animal has the strongest bite force?

So far, scientists say that the Thylacoleo carnifex, a marsupial lion that lived in Australia during the Ice Age, had the hardest bite ever. When scientists discovered this, they also found out the animals with bigger brains have a weaker bite. So it is rather clear this fierce biting mammal wasn't very bright. It has been extinct about 40,000 years, so you won't have to worry about having them roaming around your neighborhood. Alligators have the strongest bites of currently living animals. The second strongest bite is owned by alligator snapping turtles and common snapping turtles. Scientists are also saying that the great white shark has the strongest bite force so of today's living animals, it seems to be a toss up between the great white shark and the alligator.

How strong is a wolf's bite compared to other animals in the animal kingdom?

A wolf's bite is one of the strongest in the animal kingdom, with a bite force of around 1,500 pounds per square inch. This is comparable to the bite force of a large dog or a hyena.