I'm certain no "dumbies" are 14-inches, especially since the word is spelled "dummies".
Some examples of objects that are 14 inches long or 14 inches in diameter:
page 12: P, Pair of Querns, 14 inches in diameter, dated pre-1847.
page 213: "2 to 3 P. Two bronze instruments with claws, probably FLESH HOOKS,
used in sacrificial or angurial rites; 14 inches long"
page 152: "162 P. MORTARIUM of red earthenware, 14 1/2 inches diameter, impressed with the name of SOLLVS the maker, found"...London, 1844
"163 P. MORTARIUM of dark coloured earthenware, 14 1/2 inches diameter, with oyster shells attached, dredged up in" Kent
page 255: "28 Medieval DAGGER, much corroded, 14 inches long, discovered in digging foundations for the new County Hospital, York, in July, 1849"
Illinois Medical Journal, The Official Organ of The Illinois State Medical Society, 1916
page 336 1/4-inch by 14 inches long tubing
In medicine, even today a surgical drainage tube could be 14 inches (or any length).
Kershaw sells a Camp 14 Fixed 14" Blade with Sure-Grip Handles and many butcher knives are 14 inches long.
You can buy a 14 inch lamp shade-- sounds like a bright idea!
You can also buy a 14 inch fluorescent light fixture!
The lengths of 4 sides of a quadrilateral do not define a unique shape and so it is not possible to answer the question.
14 inches is 14 inches. If you meant feet, then 14 inches is 1'2" (1.16666 feet) If you meant yards, then 14 inches is 0 yd and 1.16' (0.388888 feet) If you meant centimetres, then 14 inches is 35.56 cm If you meant metres, then 14 inches is 0.3556 m If you meant kilometres, then 14 inches is 0.000355 km
Diameter = 14 inches => circumference = pi*14 = 43.98 inches.
A circle 14 inches in diameter has a radius of 7 inches, and a circle having a radius of 7 inches has a diameter of 14 inches.
There are 12 inches in one foot, so in 14 feet there are 14 x 12 inches, which is 168 inches.
Turtle not turtule dumbies
The Store Dumbies
we dont know dumbies
You are all dumbies.
The lengths of 4 sides of a quadrilateral do not define a unique shape and so it is not possible to answer the question.
The lengths of 4 sides of a quadrilateral do not define a unique shape and so it is not possible to answer the question.
22 inches to 16 inches is a decrease of six inches.
in your face dodo its not real dumbies
its a name of a car dumbies
14 inches is 14 inches. If you meant feet, then 14 inches is 1'2" (1.16666 feet) If you meant yards, then 14 inches is 0 yd and 1.16' (0.388888 feet) If you meant centimetres, then 14 inches is 35.56 cm If you meant metres, then 14 inches is 0.3556 m If you meant kilometres, then 14 inches is 0.000355 km
Extra controller slots dumbies
Go to stardoll.com dumbies