The prime numbers (factors) of 40 are: 2 and 5
The prime numbers (factors) of 40 are: 2 and 5
The two prime factors of 40 are: 2 and 5
You cannot. 40 has more than 2 prime factors.You cannot. 40 has more than 2 prime factors.You cannot. 40 has more than 2 prime factors.You cannot. 40 has more than 2 prime factors.
The prime numbers (factors) of 40 are: 2 and 5
The prime numbers (factors) of 40 are: 2 and 5
The two prime factors of 40 are: 2 and 5
The prime factors of 30 are 2, 3 and 5. The prime factors of 40 are 2 and 5. The prime numbers between 30 and 40 are 31 and 37.
40 and 21 have no common prime factors
As a product of its prime factors: 2*2*2*5 = 40 or as 23*5 = 40
Prime numbers: 31 and 37
The prime factors of 40 are 2 and 5 To find the prime numbers of 40, you can find its prime factorization. Start with any two of its factors, such as 8 X 5. 5 is a prime number, but 8 can be factored into 4 X 2. 2 is a prime number, but 4 can be factored into 2 X 2. The prime factorization of 40 is 2 X 2 X 2 X 5, so the prime numbers in 40 are 2 and 5.
42, 48 are the two numbers bigger than 40 that have 2 and 3 as their only prime factors.
You cannot. 40 has more than 2 prime factors.You cannot. 40 has more than 2 prime factors.You cannot. 40 has more than 2 prime factors.You cannot. 40 has more than 2 prime factors.
To find three numbers that multiply together to equal 40, we need to consider the prime factors of 40, which are 2, 2, 2, and 5. We can group these prime factors into three numbers: 2, 2, and 10. Therefore, the three numbers that multiply to 40 are 2, 2, and 10.