First, I would simplify the fraction. Divide the numerator and denominator by 3, and you've got 15/4. You know that 4 can go into 15 three times evenly, so you pull that out as the whole number (i.e. 12/4 = 3). After that, you're left with 3/4 (15-12 = 3) so the mixed number is 3 3/4.
A real or whole number.
What is the answer to 4512+6212
You cannot do it without changing the number. If you are prepared to change the number, you can simply round the number to the nearest whole number.
Any whole number into a fraction is whole number over 1. Whole number = x Fraction = x/1
You can't. 35 is a whole number, and mixed numbers are not whole.
A real or whole number.
What is the answer to 4512+6212
11 is a whole number. No change is required.
The phone number of the Rosholt Branch is: 715-677-4512.
0.010 is a decimal fraction and there is no way to change it to a whole number.
You can't change a whole number to a decimal. A decimal and a whole number are both numbers. A decimal is just a number lower than a whole number, or a number in between two whole numbers.
4.25 isn't a whole number. You can change any whole number into a fraction by putting it over 1.
You cannot do it without changing the number. If you are prepared to change the number, you can simply round the number to the nearest whole number.
The phone number of the Caledonia Library Association is: 585-538-4512.
217 is already a whole number.
There is no general rule to convert an exponential into a whole number.