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Here are some of the first we know of:

* Babylonians, 1600 BC - factorization and square roots
* Euclid, 300 BC - greatest common divisor (GCD)
* Eratosthenes, 200 BC - prime numbers
* Liu Hui, 263 AD - systems of linear equations

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6y ago

You'll need to be more specific. Algorithms have existed for millennia.

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13y ago

There's more than one algorithm, which one do you mean.

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11y ago

Different algorithms were developed by different people.

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8y ago

Anyone who devised a step-by-step procedure to do anything was developing an algorithm.

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10y ago

Ada Lovelace.

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14y ago

Which algorithm? There are several.

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An algorithm can be a part of a computer program.An algorithm can be a written paper procedure for a human to read and follow. (e.g. you bought a new device to use on your computer, it comes with a procedure to set it up, connect it, and install drivers.)Once an algorithm has been developed, no thinking is required just mechanically follow the steps until finished. This makes it ideal for both computers (which understand nothing) and people that may not fully understand all of what they are doing.

What are uses of algorithm?

An algorithm can be a part of a computer program.An algorithm can be a written paper procedure for a human to read and follow. (e.g. you bought a new device to use on your computer, it comes with a procedure to set it up, connect it, and install drivers.)Once an algorithm has been developed, no thinking is required just mechanically follow the steps until finished. This makes it ideal for both computers (which understand nothing) and people that may not fully understand all of what they are doing.

What is algorithm to write algorithm to the program to access a pointer variable in structure?

Here is the algorithm of the algorithm to write an algorithm to access a pointer in a variable. Algorithmically.name_of_the_structure dot name_of_the _field,eg:mystruct.pointerfield

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The Prim algorithm was developed in 1930 by Vojtech Jarnik, a Czech mathematician. It was later rediscovered by Robert C. Prim in 1957, who was a computer scientist.

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The quicksort algorithm is an invention beginning with Q. Developed by Tony Hoare in 1960 while a visiting student of the Moscow State University.

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An algorithm is a series of steps leading to a result. A flowchart can be a graphical representation of the algorithm.

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