It is: 100
it is larger.
Fractions smaller than 1/10 are any fractions where the numerator is less than 1. These include fractions such as 1/11, 1/12, 1/100, and so on. Essentially, any fraction where the numerator is smaller than the denominator will be smaller than 1/10.
its a hot dog\
100 times smaller than 54 is 0.54
0.088 is 100 times smaller than 8.8 is.
200 miles has a smaller scale than 100 miles on an inch
25 is definitely smaller than 100. 100 is 4x the amount of 25.
There are 1000 milliliters in 1 litre : 100 centiliters in 1 litre : 10 deciliters in 1 litre. Therefore 100 milliliters = 1 deciliter : So, a milliliter is smaller than a deciliter.
Because 1-20 is smaller than 81-100. The bigger the number, the harder it is to be prime.
No, 1 meter is less than or smaller than 150 cm because 1m is equivalent to 100 cm. 1m = 100 cm