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A whole number k can be written in the form k/1 where k and 1 are both integers. It can, thus, be expressed in the form of a ratio and so is rational. Since it is rational it cannot be irrational. Simple!

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Irrational means "not rational". So you might rephrase this as: a real number can either be rational, or not rational.

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Q: Why can't a number be both irrational and whole at the same time?
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An irrational number is a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction. So whole numbers and fractions are out. You can then just make a number like 6.34298374923743333333. You put a bar over the 3 so it repeats, and the number cant be expressed as a fraction, makin git an irrational number.

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Irrational, possibly transcendental

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All irrational numbers are non-terminating decimals that can't be expressed as fractions

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No irrational numbers don't have patterns and cant be expressed as a ratio so you cant even subtract the number. Ex: 22/7 - sqrt(2), you wont be able to find the difference since you cant even put it in a complete number.

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This number is rational as 0.151155111555 = 151155111555 / 1000000000000 = 151291 / 1000899 if 0.151155111555 is the beginning of the number 0.151155111555111155551111155555.... then it's irrational as the decimals are not repeating and the sequence is infinite

What does irrational?

irrational means something that cant make a fraction !!1

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If you have a whole number it cant be a mixed number that's just silly.

Can a number be irrational and rational at the same time?

No they cant because that would be contradicting each other ( The numbers wont end and don't have a pattern but rational is the complete opposite)

Why cant you multiply with just a whole number?

You can, in the right circumstances.

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Why cant irrational numbers be represented in decimal form?

But irrational numbers are decimals that can't be expressed as fractions

Is 31 divisible by 2?

well yes, but you wil get a decimal number, not a whole number because you cant divide a odd number by an even number and get a whole number, 15.5 is the correct answer