You can use a coin flip to represent sex combinations, because the coin has 2 sides. therefore it is a 50 50 chance that it could be heads or tails, just like it is a 50 50 chance that babies can be male or female however many times the coin is flipped, will show you the results of what the offspring could be :)
Here's the answer for your 9th grade Biology paper LOLLLL
-HOCO student
When cartographers represent the three-dimensional Earth in two dimensions what is likely to occur is distortion.
When cartographers represent the three-dimensional Earth in two dimensions what is likely to occur is distortion.
When cartographers represent the three-dimensional Earth in two dimensions what is likely to occur is distortion.
Assault dr
Is it? Let's say you flip a coin three times, and it comes up tails each time. You may state that from your experience, tails is preferred overwhelmingly. But three tails is likely to occur approximately 12% of the time, and three heads also will occur 12% of the time. So, instead of asking why coin flips are biased to the tails, perhaps it is better to ask what evidence exists showing that one side is more likely to occur than another. I couldn't find any. I attach the link on coin flips. In other words you will never know unless of course you count the seconds its in the air and look what side it lands on. That always works.
through dominate and recessive genes
When cartographers represent the three-dimensional Earth in two dimensions what is likely to occur is distortion.
Since there are 6 sides on each die, and you have 3 dice, you do 6x6x6. Which is 216 combinations.
When cartographers represent the three-dimensional Earth in two dimensions what is likely to occur is distortion.
When cartographers represent the three-dimensional Earth in two dimensions what is likely to occur is distortion.
When cartographers represent the three-dimensional Earth in two dimensions what is likely to occur is distortion.
When cartographers represent the three-dimensional Earth in two dimensions what is likely to occur is distortion.
When cartographers represent the three-dimensional Earth in two dimensions what is likely to occur is distortion.
Assault dr
4 types