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Historical reasons. Actually, there were yet other scales, especially Reaumur; fortunately, it disappeared.

Unfortunately, some countries still use Fahrenheit; it will take a while until they adopt the international standard. The scale that should be used nowadays is Centigrade; or (for scientific work) Kelvin.

Historical reasons. Actually, there were yet other scales, especially Reaumur; fortunately, it disappeared.

Unfortunately, some countries still use Fahrenheit; it will take a while until they adopt the international standard. The scale that should be used nowadays is Centigrade; or (for scientific work) Kelvin.

Historical reasons. Actually, there were yet other scales, especially Reaumur; fortunately, it disappeared.

Unfortunately, some countries still use Fahrenheit; it will take a while until they adopt the international standard. The scale that should be used nowadays is Centigrade; or (for scientific work) Kelvin.

Historical reasons. Actually, there were yet other scales, especially Reaumur; fortunately, it disappeared.

Unfortunately, some countries still use Fahrenheit; it will take a while until they adopt the international standard. The scale that should be used nowadays is Centigrade; or (for scientific work) Kelvin.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Historical reasons. Actually, there were yet other scales, especially Reaumur; fortunately, it disappeared.

Unfortunately, some countries still use Fahrenheit; it will take a while until they adopt the international standard. The scale that should be used nowadays is Centigrade; or (for scientific work) Kelvin.

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Who devolped the three temperature scales?


What is the units of temperature?

Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit are common temperature scales. Celsius and Fahrenheit are measured in degrees.

Where will the three scales of temperature meet?

The three temperature scales (Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin) will meet at the temperature of -40 degrees, which is equivalent on all three scales. At this temperature, -40 degrees Celsius is equal to -40 degrees Fahrenheit and approximately 233 Kelvin.

Temperature is measured in what three scales?

Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin.

What are three types of temperature scales?

Fahrenheit, centigrade, kelvin.

How many types of temperature scales?

There are three main temperature scales commonly used worldwide: Celsius (also known as centigrade), Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. Each scale has a different zero point and different intervals for measuring temperature.

What are some different scales of temperature?

Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin

Is kelvin and Fahrenheit the same?

No, they're completely different temperature scales.

Why are two different temperature scales needed?

Two different temperature scales, such as Celsius and Fahrenheit, are used because they provide different reference points and have historical significance in different parts of the world. Celsius is commonly used in scientific and international contexts, while Fahrenheit is more commonly used in the United States. Having different scales allows for easier communication and understanding of temperature values in different regions.

What are three different types of scales?

Balance, spring, inertial.

What are three scales commonly used for temperature?

Dergree's centegrade Fahrenhight Degrees Kelven

What do -40 Celsius and -40 Fahrenheit have in common?