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Zero is a placeholder. The Ancient Chinese used it, the ancient Egyptians used it, ancient India and the Arabs used it. The word came into English from Italian zero.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

becuse it was called 0

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Q: Why do you call the number 0 a zero?
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What do you call a number that is less than zero and why?

you call it a negative number because it's smaller than 0.

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yes, if zero multiply with any number. The answer came to zero. 0 x 0 = 0 0 x 100 = 0 0x 111111= 0 0 x -1122=0 so on..

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0 divided by 0 is not defined.

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The answer is 0. 0 divided by any non-zero number gives the answer 0. Division by 0 is not defined.

What is the Zero property of multiplication?

ANY number/value multip.ied to zero(0) = zero(0) 2 x 0 = 0

Can a zero be a fraction?

Zero divided by any number can look like a fraction - but I wouldn't call it one, as it is immediately resolvable to a plain 0.

Whats zero divided by zero?

Basically, its undefined What do you get when you divide 0 by 0? It's commonly known that it's impossible to divide any number by 0; the answer is undefined. Her answer: β€œImagine that you have 0 cookies and you split them evenly among 0 friends.

What is 0 times 0?

0 times 0 is defined as zero. The multiplication of any number times zero is zero (even an infinitely large number of null sets still have no elements). Zero times zero is zero, but the inverse operation, dividing by zero, is undefined.

Does the number zero have an opposite number?

Zero does not have an opposite * * * * * While it is true that zero has no multiplicative opposite (or inverse), it certainly has an additive inverse, and that is also zero, since 0 + 0 = 0

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It equals 0 because any number times 0 equals 0

How zero multiply by zero?

Any number multiplied by zero is equal to zero, including zero. Therefore, zero times zero is equal to zero. 0 x 0 = 0

What number is not a factor of any number but zero?

No number exists. ============ Zero is not a factor of any number but zero.