Orangutans do not have tails. Only monkeys have tails. Orangutans are apes. Apes are tailless primates.
Judging by what you are saying, if it has a curly tail it obviously a pig.
Yes, from the back of the head to the beginning of the tail. Then the length of the tail.
The side that has the Presidents face on it is the head making the other side the tail.
The name of the tail on the square root sign is the radical.
Orang-utans are apes so don't have tails.
An orangutan.
No, an orangutan is not a monkey. It has no tail, also it has human-like thumbs which makes it not a monkey. It is part of the ape family.
A female orangutan is called \"orangutan\", just like the male.
Orangutan is a primate and is a vertebrate.
An orangutan is a mammal.
Yes, an orangutan is a noun.
Pongo pygmaeus - Bornean orangutan Pongo abelii - Sumatran orangutan
Orangutan Island - 2007 Orangutan 911 was released on: USA: 21 December 2007
the only enemies of an orangutan are humans....we don't hunt these animals but by habitata destruction thanks.we are the only enimies of the orangutan.
not an orangutan
how does a orangutan care for its youth