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Of course !... commas and spaces used to separate groups pf numbers are only there for clarity.

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Q: Will it be acceptable to write 285 456 as 285456 in South Africa?
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Will it be acceptable to write R285 456 as R285, 456 in south Africa?


Why do Australia New Zealand and South Africa write cricket scores differently eg 1 for 16 instead of 16 for 1?

This is unknown but both South Africa and New Zealand write the score the traditional way eg. runs/wickets

How many south African adults can read and write?

According to UNICEF, approximately 88% of adults in South Africa are literate, while 96% of all youth (15-24) are literate. 86.5% of the entire population is literate, and with a population of 48,687,000 around 42,114,255 people in South Africa are literate.

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yes yes

Why South Africa needs teachers?

South Africa needs teachers for the same reason America and Europe and all other countries do, to teach their young how to read and write and educate them for their adult life.

How do you solve unemployent in South Africa?

Well you can write a book about this question. Education, economic growth and an efficient government is important.

Was the policy of the separation of blacks from whites which was the law of the Republic of South Africa.?

Too rambling, it is unclear what you are asking. Please re-write the question concisely.

was the policy of the separation of blacks from whites, which was the law of the Republic of South Africa?

Too rambling, it is unclear what you are asking. Please re-write the question concisely.

How do you write 375 milliliters as a decimal?

375 millilitres is perfectly acceptable.

How do you write joker in french?

Bouffon is an acceptable French substitute for the word "joker".

How do you write 4 ft 5inches?

" 4 ft 5inches " is perfectly acceptable.

How do you write eight million?

You can write it any way you choose... 8,000,000 - 8 000 000 or 8000000 are all acceptable