The state of Iowa borders Minnesota to the south.
Iowa is
Minnesota ~ 79,617 sq mi Iowa ~ 55,875 sq mi
The state that has neighbors of Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, and Michigan is Wisconsin.
Minnesota has more area than Iowa. Iowa has 56,273 square miles of total area. Iowa ranks #26 among the 50 U.S. states based on total area. Minnesota has total area of 86,935 square miles. Minnesota ranks #12 among the 50 U.S. states based on total area.
Minnesota has more area than Iowa. Iowa has 56,273 square miles of total area. Iowa ranks #26 among the 50 U.S. states based on total area. Minnesota has total area of 86,935 square miles. Minnesota ranks #12 among the 50 U.S. states based on total area.
Wisconsin is borded by Illinois, Michigan, Iowa and Minnesota.
The capital of the state that borders Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, and Michigan is Wisconsin, with Madison as its capital city.