Thirty thousand
137,294 is one hundred and thirty seven thousand, two hundred and ninety four.
Write short note on the business
Thirty thousand
Write the value of the underlined digit in short word form 456,120,781 if the underlined number is 5?
137,294 is one hundred and thirty seven thousand, two hundred and ninety four.
Ninety million- Ten millions
Following the model "Novel = underlined/italicized Short story = quotation marks," short films require quotation marks.
yes it is still a type of book and when writing an essay all books are underlined
A story is underlined or in italics. A short story is in quotes.
The Odyssey and Iliad are both epic poems. While short poems are quoted in writing, epic poems are underlined do to their length.
bit = binary digit
Titles of novels, plays, newspapers, albums, etc get underlined. Short stories, poems, song titles, articles, etc. go in quotes.