Fractions have lowest terms. Integers (whole numbers) and decimals don't.
It is in its lowest terms.
They are 3696, 7392 and 11088.
It is already in its lowest terms
It is already in its lowest terms
Write 0.75 in lowest terms..75 in lowest terms is: 3/4.
There are 3 feet in one yard. Therefore, 3696 feet is equal to 3696/3 = 1232 yards.
It is already in lowest terms.
What is 3/6 in the lowest terms
1225/24 in lowest terms
That is in lowest terms already
Only fractions can be in lowest terms. Since 2160 is a whole number, it is already in lowest terms.
14/24 in lowest terms is 7/12. 5/60 in lowest terms is 1/12.