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If you mean a zero with a diagonal line through it, it is the symbol for the empty set which is the set that contains nothing.

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11mo ago

A circle with a diagonal line through it is commonly used as a symbol to represent "no" or "not allowed." It is often used in signage to indicate that something is prohibited or unavailable.

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Q: What does a circle with a diagonal line through it mean?
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If you mean a line that gous from the center of a circle to the edge of the circle, that is a radius.

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Diagonal is a straight line through a figure from one corner to another corner, for example, the diagonal divided the square into two triangles.

What does a zero with a diagonal line going through the centre mean?

Abbreviation for Diameter(as used in Technical drawings).

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Diagonal means a line that is not vertical or horizontal, but in between. i.e. / or \

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A tangent to a circle is a line which touches the circle once. That is, it does not pass through the circle, which would mean intersecting it twice. A way to form a tangent is draw any line from the centre point of a circle to its edge. A line on the edge perpendicular (at 90 degrees to) this line will be a tangent.

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What does the term diameter of a circle mean?

Diameter of a circle is a line that goes from one side of the circle, passes through the center of the circle, and touches the other side of the circle. So a circle could have a diameter of length 2 inches, or maybe 7 feet, etc. If the line does not pass through the center of the circle, it is not a diameter.

What does a line of symmetry look like?

Answer:A line of symmetry will be a straight line usually down the middle of a figure. The line can be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal, as long as both sides of the line are mirrors of one another. Example: Ø In this circle, you can see the diagonal line through the circle, and both sides mirror one another, so the line in the circle is a line of symmetry.Answer:A line of symmetry is a line which can be drawn through something in a way that both sides are the same (and the object would look the same if reflected in a mirror)I'll draw a line of symmetry below as an example:.....|..../|\.../.|.\../..|..\./...|...\/....|....\.....|If you were to replace that line with a mirror, it would reflect one side and thus look like the triangle.Below is another example to help demonstrate what i mean by it being reflected, and both sides looking the same:.....|___..../|...../.../.|..../../..|..././...|..//....|./.....|This example is NOT a line of symmetry. If this were reflected in a mirror, it would look like a triangle, versus the shape it is.

What does diamater mean?

The diameter is the chord (line that goes from the circle to the circle) that goes through the center of the circle. It is the largest chord. It is also equal to twice the radius.

What does diameter mean in math terms?

A line that bisects a circle and goes through the center of it is the diameter.