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Flu notaintion used to tell what kind of virus your dealing with. example- A/California/8/09/(H3N2)

The a at the beginning stand for what type of virus your dealing with (subtype a, b or c)

California means that this particular strain was first found and isolated in california.

The 8 stands for the 8th flu virus isolated in that particular year in california

09 tell the year the virus was first found- 2009

The H3N2 stands for the hemaggluton molecules (H) and the neuraminidase molecules(N). The first number next to the H states how many hemaggluton proteins there are (there are 15). Same with the neruominidase (there are only 9). In the neuraminidase case only the first three proteins (1,2,3) are known to infect humans.

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10mo ago

Flu notation, or flue notation, is a system used in sheet music to indicate which holes need to be covered or uncovered to produce specific notes on a Flute or similar wind instrument. It consists of symbols such as dots, lines, or numbers placed above or below the staff to instruct the player on finger placements for producing the desired pitch.

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What is the meaning of Flu notation?

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what is the meaning of Flu?

I think it is where the flu changes and mutates .......notation

Are the flu and Swine Flu the same?

No, Swine Flu is just one strain of the many flu viruses. Flu is an abbreviation for influenza. So Swine Flu is a type of flu, but all flu is not the swine flu, there are other kinds.

What types of flu create the Swine Flu?

A mixture of the standard Human Flu, Bird Flu and Pig Flu. This creates a new strain of flu called swine flu (Influenza A H1 N1).

Is the Swine Flu the same as the tami flu?

Swine flu is a flu very similar to the regular flu. Tamiflu is a medicine that you take when you have swine flu or other types of influenza.

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The flu. One of the side affects of flu can be death.

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What are the different types of bird flu?

Swine Flu

How do you spell flu?

That is the correct spelling of "flu" (the flu, viral influenza).

What is the origin of the name swine lu?

Swine flu was first discovered in people working with pigs. Flu is a disease that is transmitted in various forms among people, pigs, and birds. Sometimes bird flu is transmitted to pigs, and sometime pig flu is transmitted to people. What actually happens is that a pig has pig flu and catches bird flu. A chromosome from the bird flu gets mixed with the pig flu and changes it to a different type of flu. Then a person with human flu catches pig flu. A chromosome with pig and perhaps bird flu mixes with the human flu. The flu is mainly human flu but contains pig and bird flu chromosomes. It got the name swine flu because people working with pigs caught it first. Because it has the pig and bird chromosomes, people with resistance to human flu, have less resistance to swine flu.

If you get a swine flu shot will the swine flu disappear in a week?

The swine flu shot is used to prevent the flu, not to treat the flu if you already have it. To treat the flu, antiviral medications are more likely to be prescribed, such as Tamiflu.

What is love flu?

Love flu is not really influenza (flu). It is something you feel when you like someone. They call it a flu because a flu spreads and love happens to everyone.