The prefix "isa" means "is equal to" or "the same as" ---
Hemi- isi
The prefix "iso" means equal, same, or similar. It is commonly used in chemistry to indicate that two substances have the same molecular structure or in technology to denote standardization.
The prefix of the word "equal" is "equ-".
The prefix for the word 'equal' is-: 'un'- which makes 'UNEQUAL'
In this case, Cent would be the prefix. This comes from the latin word. Cent means 100. A century is 100 years. There need to be 100 cents to equal $1, and 1 Centimeter is equal to a meter. It means 100
The prefix "equ" means equal or even in value, amount, function, etc. It is commonly used in words like equal, equate, and equilibrium.
The prefix equi- means equal to. An example is equinox.
Kilo is the prefix for 1000 therefore 1 kg is equal to 1000g. 440g is the same as .440 kg
I did a bit of internet searching, I think it is iso, as in isotonic and isometric.
Words with the same prefix as mismatch:miscalculatemisconstruemiscountmiscuemisdiagnosemisfortunemisjudgemisleadmismanagemisplacemispronouncemisreadmisrepresentmisstatemisstepmistreat