A 151-pound cupcake in Minneapolis has been certified as the world's largest.
4 foot
The world record for the biggest turkey belongs to a turkey named Tyson. He weighed 89 pounds and belonged to a farmer in the UK.
A boy in India holds the record for the world's biggest pimple. It was 16" in diameter after it was popped and was recorded in the Guiness Book of World records.
13inches is the longest on record
The record holders are a bakery in Baltimore called Charm City Cakes. I believe their cupcake was about 12" tall and weighed about 30lbs. BUT! Daddycakes in Topeka, KS made a cupcake that was about 30" tall and Im not sure but I believe around 65lbs. They do not hold the record because there was not a representative there to confirm it. Daddycakes did bake the cupcake inside a giant paper, where Charm City Cakes added it after it was baked. Baking the cupcake inside of paper was supposed to be a requirement to hold the record. Charm City Cakes lost their title after The Guiness Book of World Records learned that their cupcake had been assembled in two pieces.
up your bum
114450 by dolph ziggler
guglielmo's biggest accomplishment was a world record. the record was raping the most kids in the least amount of time
The Neoplan Jumbocruiser holds the Guinness World Record for the world's longest bus, measuring over 60 feet in length.
With a big mould, lots of ingredients and lots of time
One of his biggest accomplishments were becoming an artist.