1 Ohm meter X (Mega Ohm/ 1000 Ohms) X (100 cm/meter) = 100/1000 Mega Ohm cm
= 0.1 Mega Ohm cm
method: dimensional analysis
You can check glow plugs with an ohm meter. should be <1ohm
1.46 meg ohm
1 mega ohm=______________ ohm?
1 megohm is 1 million Ohms
A megohm is 1000 kilohms. So 295k is 0.295M
mega ohm
A mega ohm is 1 million Ohms and is variously shown as 1M, 1MOhm and 1MR
M ohm means "mega ohm". That is 106 = 1,000,000 ohms.
Marikas triple hijos de puta
Yes, one mega ohm is more than one kilo ohm. Mega means million, kilo means thousand.
A skilled repair man can use a tool called an Megger(mega-ohm meter) to check the condition of the insulation.
1 look at them in the dark when power is running through them if you see a blue or orange arch your cable is faulty or use a mega ohm meter wrap the outer cable in foil ground it then mega it