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Galileo made a small telescope with which he made scientific observations which went against the prevailing consensus around the system of Ptolemy. At that time many people, including religious leaders such as Luther and Calvin believed incorrectly that the system of Ptolemy agreed with The Bible. In particular, the Roman Catholic church, which had civil, as well as ecclesiastical authority, condemned the scientific observations of Galileo as heresy, and forced him to retract them under threat of death. It also seems that it was the scientific opponents of Galileo, those who supported the system of Ptolemy and Aristotle, who stood to lose the most by being proven wrong. The Roman Catholic church of the day was thus in a sense 'used' by this group to get the findings of Galileo suppressed.

So, to put it simply, Galileo certainly demonstrated the folly of trying to marry the Bible to scientific theories which can and do become outdated. He certainly did not disprove the Bible itself, as the Bible does not support the system of Ptolemy.

Yes. Both Gallileo and Copernicus disproved the Bible's teachings that the Earth was the center of the Universe.

"The geocentric model held sway into the early modern age; from the late 16th century onward it was gradually replaced by the heliocentric model of Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler. Today, geocentric cosmology survives as a literary element within alternate history Science Fiction."

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Q: Did Galileo disprove the Bible
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Why were the ideas of Copernicus and Galileo condemned by the church?

The Church took the Bible literally, and they interpreted a verse that said the Sun stayed still. They said that Copernicus and Galileo where traitors of the bible and condemned them.

What was Galileo's objection to using the bible to study physical natural phenomena?

The Bible isn't science and may or may not be true. Galileo needed to have to experiment with real science and find out if his theory was correct.

How does Galileo's discovery challenge existing scientific and religious beliefs?

Galileo's discovery of the phases of Venus and the moons of Jupiter challenged existing scientific and religious beliefs. It contradicted the geocentric model of the universe, which positioned Earth at the center, and supported Copernican heliocentrism instead. This challenged religious beliefs that were based on a literal interpretation of the Bible, which placed Earth at the center of the universe. Consequently, Galileo's findings led to clashes with the Catholic Church and the Inquisition.

Which Scientists disaprove Ptolemys geosentric theory of the universe?

Galileo and Copernicus were two of the scientists to disprove Ptolemy's geocentric theory of the universe. The Ptolemaic theory stated that the center was earth.

How did Galileo's work into conflict with the church?

Galileo's work came into conflict with the church because he advocated a heliocentric model of out solar system. This conflicted with what it says in The Bible.

Who was threatened by Galileo and his findings?

Maybe, the church because his theory is diffirent from what is said to the bible.

Did Sir William M Ramsay attempt to disprove the Bible when he was a young archaeologist?

The short answer is ... Yes and no. He questioned the historical accuracy of the bible. In his quest to point out inconsistencies of Bible through archaeology, he discovered archaeological evidence to support the Bible as historically accurate.

How Galileo work come into conflict with the church?

Galileo's work came into conflict with the church because he advocated a heliocentric model of out solar system. This conflicted with what it says in The Bible.

What are some quotes Galileo said?

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.-Galileo GalileiThe Bible shows the way to go to heaven, not the way the heavens go.-Galileo GalileiNature is relentless and unchangeable, and it is indifferent as to whether its hidden reasons and actions are understandable to man or not.-Galileo Galilei

Why did catholic church leaders oppose Galileo's sun centered model of the universe?

The Bible is written from an implicitly geocentric viewpoint, so if we take the Bible as the ultimate authority on everything, then it would be wrong to come to other conclusions such as the heliocentric theory, merely by observing the way the universe actually is. Incidentally, although Galileo did support the heliocentric theory, it was originally proposed by Copernicus. It isn't Galileo's model. Galileo did contribute to this theory with his astronomical observations, however.