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Actually, most words with 'nov' in them mean 'new'. It's either a Latin or Greek stem.

yes that is true but there are some that begin with nov like novice,novel

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Q: What are some words beginning with nov meaning 9?
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What words have nov meaning nine in them?


Words beginning with nov prefix?

November, novelty, novel, novella, nova, novice

What latin words can be made of these letters it om lti mul mu ne ta mo nia nov?

Some Latin words that can be made are: "multum" meaning much, "amo" meaning I love, "novus" meaning new, and "omnia" meaning everything.

What words contain the root word nov?

Some words that use the root word 'nov' are:NovaNovaliaNovanglianNovationNovativeNovatorNovatrixNovelInnovateNovellaNoveletteNovelistNoveltyNoviceRenovateReference:

Who writes book beginning with nov?

a novelist

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What words start with nov and mean 9?

I know one,Novennial - novennis of 9 years

Is the prefix nov latin or greek?

The prefix "nov" is Latin. It comes from the Latin word "novem," meaning nine.

Do people place a candle in the window Nov 9 in memory of kristallnacht?

No. It was the beginning of the 'prelude' to the Holocaust.

What words start with prefix Nov?

Novice, Novel, November,

What does the root nov mean?

Some words that use the root word 'nov' are:NovaNovaliaNovanglianNovationNovativeNovatorNovatrixNovelInnovateNovellaNoveletteNovelistNoveltyNoviceRenovateReference:

Words that begin with nov but mean nine?

novem and novemdellicions