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it's the book of Christoff Rudolff's Die Coss

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Q: What book was printed in 1525 that the radical sign first appeared?
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Who discovered radical sign?

Christoff RudolffThe radical symbol first appeared in 1525 in Die Coss by Christoff Rudolff (1499-1545). He used the symbol (without the vinculum) for square roots.

Who first printed the bible in the English and when did they do this?

In 1525-1526 William Tyndal printed the first New Testament in English,

Who invented radical?

Christoff Rudolff in 1525.

When did Rudolff introduce radical sign?

Rudolff introduces the radical sign in 1525.

Mathematical symbol that was introduced in 1525?

The radical symbol for square root, without the vinculum above the radicand, was introduced in 1525. The first author to use it was Christoff Rudolff.

History of the radical in algebra?

Radicals were first used in 1525 in Die Cross. They were first used by Christoff Rudolff, who was a German mathematician.

Who introduced the radical sign?

Christoff Rudolff was a German mathematician who introduced the radical sign in 1525

What is the name of the square root symbol?

The square root symbol (√) was first used in 1525, by Christoph Rudolff, and is called a radical.

Who invented the radical symbol?

According to Wikipedia, article on "Square root": "The symbol '√' for the square root was first used in print in 1525 in Christoph Rudolff's Coss, which was also the first to use the then-new signs '+' and '−'."

Who was the King of Spain in 1525?

The King of Spain in 1525 was King Ferdinand who ruled from 1516 to 1555. His wife was his first cousin who he married in 1525 and her name was Isabella.

How do you square 1525?

You multiply if by itself. So, the answer is 1525*1525 = 2,325,625.

What percent of 1525 is 122?

122/1525 x 100 = 8 Therefore, 122 is 8 percent of 1525.