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shia Muslims live in many countries. Iran is the main Shia county and the leader of Shia Islam in world. Shia Islam constitute the majority of the population in Iran (90%), Azerbaijan (75%), Bahrain (30%), Lebanon (65% of Muslims) and Iraq (65%), Yemen (45%). Other countries with a significant proportion of Shia are Syria (15%), Kuwait (35%), Pakistan (20%), India (23% of Muslims), Afghanistan (15%), Saudi Arabia (18%), Turkey (20%), United Arab Emirates (16%), Qatar (15%), Albania(25%).

other Muslim countries are mainly sunni with minor shia population. Qum in Iran and Najaf in iraq are two main city of Shia Islam.

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14y ago

The country that is predominantly Shi'a is Iran.

Iran was conquered by Caliph Umar and only 10% of the people then became Muslim. Over time, with the mix of Arab rulers and Persian Muslims, Islam soon expanded and grew to about 100% at the end of the 11th century. Then, in the year 1501, a leader called Ismail I captured part of Iran and established a new dynasty, called the Safavid Dynasty, and Ismail I declared Shi'a Islam as the state religion. Most of the people that he was ruling were Sunni, so Ismail I decided to enforce Shi'a Islam violently, and thousands were killed. Ismail I brought many scholars to preach Shi'a Islam, and he soon died. His successor, Tahmasb, was the one who really enforced Shi'a Islam. This is the reason why Iran is mainly composed of Shi'a Muslims today.

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11y ago

Definetely Iran. Its population is 74 million and 90 percent of it is shiites.

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12y ago

Iran with 90% shia.

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