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Cumbria is a place. Perhaps you mean "Kum-bay-ah," words from a Christian song? It means "come by here."

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Q: What does Cumbria mean?
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What is the highest mountain in cumbria?

The highest point in the Pennines is the summit of Cross Fell in Cumbria. Its height is 893m above mean sea level.

Is Cumbria in Iceland?

No. Cumbria is in England.

How many people died in Cumbria?

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When was Cumbria Constabulary created?

Cumbria Constabulary was created in 1856.

What is cumbria in Welsh?

"Cumbria" or possibly "Yr Hen Ogledd".

Is wales closer to cumbria than Scotland?

Cumbria goes all the way to the Scottish border.

What is the distance from Cumbria to Perth?

Where in Cumbria? Perth, Scotland or Perth, Australia ?

What is cumbria famous for?

Cumbria is famous becaouse of the floods and the shootings ;D

When was University of Cumbria created?

University of Cumbria was created on 2007-08-01.

When did Cumbria Institute of the Arts end?

Cumbria Institute of the Arts ended in 2007.

When was Cumbria Institute of the Arts created?

Cumbria Institute of the Arts was created in 1822.

When was East Cumbria Crusaders created?

East Cumbria Crusaders was created in 2003.