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I believe it's saying that a selfish man may pretend to care about you but inside they really don't. They may sound concerned about you, but really they aren't. They may even say, I care that you haven't enough to eat and drink, or I feel your pain, but they are lying. Not all people who say they care are liars but if you pay enough attention you can tell the ones that are lying and don't really care at all. This passage reminds me of a lot of politicians and celebrities that say they care but really don't.

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14y ago

Proverbs 23:7. Read verse 6 and it will basically say that you should not hang out with stingy people because all they care about is money and the cost of things. They care nothing for you because their mind is constantly on finances and not you.

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Proverbs 7:1 is an introduction to the verses that follow. Meaning is remember the things that are said ( following) never forget then they are important.

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12y ago

Generally, it is understood to be a recommendation of and an endorsement for the use of corporal punishment in the course of child rearing.

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