There is no such thing as "hundren theescore." If perhaps you mean "one hundred threescore," it means one hundred and sixty. A score is 20.
It's 10 mm
eleven hundren and twenty
One hundred CENTIMETERS in a METER
$ 2,720,000.
9 + 200 + 35000 = 35209
only about one billion foure hundred million five hundred forty three thousand one hundren and three
Ten million times ten= 1 billion No. Ten million times ten is one hundred million (= 1 tenth of 1 billion)
Do do this, it's quite simple. First, you would do 150 divided by 5, which is 30. Then, because you are looking for 2/5, you would multiply that by 2. Therefore, the answer is 60.
The words are:WellWellsNellSwellSellSewSewnSnellLessElseSenSeelThe last 2 words are actually words:Sen is a Japanese currency that is not used often anymore. One hundren sen, make a yen, the main currency. This is like one hundred pence makes a sterling poundSeel is to close someone's eyes or prevent them from seeingOverall, that makes 12 words in 'wellness'.