No. The tallest temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) is the Washington DC temple (actually located in Maryland). The tallest spire of this temple is 288 feet.
I am the tallest boy in the world
Notre Dame
the tallest person in the world isSultan Kösen - 8'1" (246.4 cm) is the tallest person in the world..................................
Kirkland HAll Is tha tallest man in the world he is 22feet and 45inches
st pauls cathedral in London is 111 meters tall, the 5th tallest church in the world
That will be the Minster in Ulm, Germany
The tallest church in Germany is the Ulm Munster in Ulm, Germany.
Mount Mckinley is the tallest mountain in the world
the tallest man in the world 1825
In the UK this is Salisbury (St Mary's) Cathedral. In the world, the tallest cathedral spire is in Ulm, Germany. Correction: Ulm Minster is the tallest church, but is not a cathedral as it has never been the seat of a Bishop.