"Exclamatory" is a remark that exclaims something.
An allusive remark refers to a statement that indirectly references something or someone, often relying on the audience's prior knowledge or understanding to interpret its meaning. It can serve to hint at a deeper or hidden meaning without explicitly stating it.
something that derogates or casts in a bad light, as a remark or censorius essay.
Remark can be a verb (to remark) and a noun (a remark).
Actually, a sarcastic remark is an example of verbal irony, where the intended meaning is different from the literal meaning. Irony involves a contrast between expectations and reality.
The future tense of the word "remark" is "will remark."
She didn't really have a closing "remark", but she would close each show by singing So Glad We Had This Time Together, and then would always tug on her ear.
She made a snide remark about his outfit at the party.
Remark can be a verb (to remark) and a noun (a remark).
An offhand remark is a remark that is spoken without thought. Similar to something blurted out.